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Torsional autogenerator "ETHER-IV"

(diametre 35 mm, height 12 mm, weight 5gr)



"ETHER- IV" - a new modification was added with the expanded spectrum of action and improved protective sanitary effect.

"ETHER-A" - for protection and restoration from harm caused by negative influence of microwave ovens, TV sets, computers, cellular phones, X-ray devices and any other devices radiating electromagnetic, microwave and other kinds of radiation of technological origin. Also it can be applied in the preventive purposes at the given kinds of radiations.

"ETHER-B" - for protection and restoration from harm caused by negative influence of geopathogenic zones, meteorological and astrological factors, and etc. Also it can be applied in the preventive purposes at the given kinds of influences.

"ETHER-C"- for protection and restoration from harm caused by any psychological manipulations. It can be used when a negative influence by one person upon the other occurs and when you are an object chosen by an operator for a conscious professional influence. This device modification is necessary for every body , especially for those who communicates with a great number of people frequently and for a long time and affected by their negative influence (for politiņians, diplomats , businessmen, doctors and etc.).

"ETHER -D" - for protection and restoration of the changes which have occurred as a result of decrease of a level of immune system and protective forces of organism, diseases caused by the given reasons. Also it can be applied in the preventive purposes at the given infringements. It is recommended to weakened, frequently sick, easily tired people. It has a property to raise nonspecific antineoplastic resistance of organism, a condition of protective systems.

The "ETHER " - IV combines properties of:

"ETHER -A" - 80 $
"ETHER -B" - 80 $
"ETHER -C" - 80 $
"ETHER -D" - 80 $
"ETHER-IV"- 100 $



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